How to Draw Wwe Superstars Easy Hbk

99 Mid Card Superstars Who Helped Make the Legends What They Are Today

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    It's easier said and done for any writer or wrestling fan to list the greatest WWE Superstars all of time, with familiar names such as Hogan, Rock, Cena and Austin always making the list along with a handful of other great superstars.

    However, in order to establish how these wrestlers got so famous, look deeper into the WWE Roster.

    Many of you will agree that it is the mid card wrestlers who go out and ensure that the main event guys make a name for themselves. Whether it is by getting super kicked from HBK or a Rock bottom from the people's champ, it is these acts that help rocket the popularity and status of certain wrestlers.

    The following list contains 100 wrestlers who I feel have played a pivotal role in the making of certain superstars, I will include video analysis as well as my own judgment.

    Feel free to comment.


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    Tazz has always been a big player in the sport of professional wrestling. He is a former ECW Champion, a legend in his own right. However, unlike The Rock and company, Tazz has never really shown that he is star quality. So instead of grabbing the brass ring, the WWE felt that Tazz would be better suited to compete in the mid card for the duration of his career.

    In this time, we have seen him wrestle some big names such as Angle, Jericho, Undertaker and others. His debut against Kurt Angle was treated with the up most respect and electricity from the fans. Although Tazz defeated Angle, it was at this match that the WWE got to see Angle for his wrestling skills and charisma. (Tazz Debut) (Tazz VS. Jericho)

    Once Tazz became a commentator for The WWE, his unique wrestling background and knowledge helped make guys like Lesnar, Angle, JBL and others look invincible. He was a great asset to the company and a definitive Icon in the business. (Tazz Commentary)

Kofi Kingston

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    Even though Kofi in only regarded as a rookie, I feel that he is an essential part of the current roster and PG ERA. Due to the lack of quality from superstars on the WWE Roster, Kofi really seems like a guy who can make anyone look good. (Kingston VS. Orton) (Kingston VS. Santino)

    While he is definitely a main event guy in the making, one cannot help to think just how much of an impact the current IC Champion is having on the business. He has had star-studded matches with the likes of Orton, CM Punk, Christian and others.


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    Another guy who the wrestling community likes to underrate, Konnan is one of those guys who has been in the business for a long time, yet due to his lackluster C.V, he does not really shine in comparison to a lot of superstars in the business.

    However, Konnan is responsible for giving and teaching Bret Hart the Sharpshooter, and he is also responsible for helping Rey Mysterio become a superstar in WCW. Konnan is a more of a behind the scene man. (Shoot Interview with Konnan)

Bam Bam Bigelow

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    A 350 pound superstar with a cruiserweight move list. That is perhaps the best way to describe the late great legend that is Bam Bam Bigelow.

    This guy was a very unique yet entertaining superstar to watch. He may have never won the big one in the WWE; however, his matches alone deserve to be honoured with gold. The former ECW Champion has had some great matches throughout his career including: (BAM BAM VS. Bret Hart) (BAM BAM VS. TAZ) (Shoot Interview with Bigelow on his match against Bret) (Bigelow VS. Undertaker)

    The great thing about Bam Bam was that he was an exceptional worker for his size; therefore, when he put over superstars, he would in turn be turning them into legends.

William Regal

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    The former, IC, KOTR and European Champion has definitely made a name for himself in the business. The seasoned veteran who hails from Blackpool England has given the mid card table some class over the years.

    With his great speaking ability, Regal has become more of a mouthpiece in the business then an actual wrestler, which is a shame, because he is one of the best chain wrestlers the industry has to offer. He headlined many shows and events, including two Wrestlemanias where he was involved in two Championship matches, one with Chris Jericho and the other with RVD. (Regal VS. RVD Wrestlemania 18) (Commissioner Regal)


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    Viscera, Big Daddy V or King Mable. Call him what you like, but the 500 lb. giant has without a doubt made his mark in the business one way or another.

    The big man was involved ins some major storylines throughout the 90's mostly involving the Undertaker; however, the biggest one has to be when Mabel won the 1995 King of The Ring Tournament. This was a real shocker, as nobody expected a mid card wrestler like Mable to win such an illustrious competition as the King of the Ring.

    Mable is also responsible along with with Yokozuna for crushing The Undertaker's face after a series of senton splashes went wrong. Ever since then, we have seen Big V take part as a member of the Ministry of Darkness, where he would usually beat on Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kane and other big Heavyweights in the game. (Mabel VS. undertaker King of the Ring) (Viscera VS. Kane) (Big Daddy V VS. The Undertaker)

Val Venis

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    Val Venis is one of those wrestlers who really shone through out the Attitude Era, his porn star persona was really unique and fitted in well during the days of swearing, sex and other forms of "Attitude"

    Some of his greatest moments are of course the incident involving Tai N' Kai. His singles match with Stone Cold Steve Austin and his multiple IC reigns. Val gimmick took him to heights that even himself recalls as "unbelievable"

    (Watch Val Venis's RF Shoot Interview) (Val Venis & Foley Segment)

Chris Masters

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    Masters may not have done much in the business to be included on this list; however, it is his Master Lock Challenge that has helped him and several other WWE Superstars, including Khali and Lashley, to make names for themselves.

    Masters has also worked a Wrestlemania match where he and Carlito took on the Big show and Kane for the Tag team titles. He was also part of Team Raw in the first ever Smackdown VS. RAW 5 on 5 match up at the 2005 Survivor Series. (RAW VS SMACKDOWN) (Master Lock Challenge) (Masters Debut)

Mean Street Posse

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    The Mean Street Posse were one of the most annoying, yet worthy, stables of the Attitude Era. Members Pete Gas and Rodney, who in real life were friends of Shane McMahon, and third member Joey Abs who, alongside The Hardy Boys, came up the ranks together to make it into the WWE.

    The Posse were usually used as jobbers who would take beatings from the opposition; however, their main priority was ensuring that Shane McMahon held on to his European Gold.

    The Posse have each won the Hardcore Championship.

Lil Guido

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    Another punching bag used from all wrestling organisations that Lil Guido took part in.

    Nunzio was part of the stable F.B.I, a group of Italian American wrestlers. They were part of a major storyline back in 2003 where they would attack big names such as Lesnar and The Undertaker. However, the WWE felt that they were enough big names in the stable that if Lesnar beat on all five of them, it would really put him over. (Nunzio Speared By Goldberg) (Lesnar attacks FBI)

Jesse James

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    The Road Dogg Jesse James or KIP James, as he is now known. The former Hardcore, tag and IC Champion has been very vocal of how he helped put over guys like The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. He also discusses how he, alongside Billy Gunn, helped make D-X into a real Degenerate stable. (Shoot Interview)

Mr. Kennedy

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    Maybe not the most admired superstar as of late; however, the botch man himself has made a name for himself whether its inside or outside the ring. Mr. Kennedy, if anything, only helped the career of Randy Orton, by botching a move from Orton which ultimately ended in Kennedy's release. It showcased a side of Orton we have come to know and in some aspects agree with.

Perry Saturn

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    Perry Saturn is a gifted athlete who was once part of the incredible stable "Radicalz".

    His impact in the WWE may not have been spectacular; however, his role during the Radicalz era was quite promising. He captured the European Championship and feuded with several high profile names such as Benoit, The Hardyz, APA etc.

Tito Santana

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    Tito Santana is a former KOTR, IC and Tag team champion. The Native American Superstar was one of the most entertaining figures in the WWE in the late 80's and early 90's.

    He broke down barriers for Native American Wrestlers in the business as well as capturing the heart of a nation. He feuded with the likes of Randy Savage, Warrior and other big names.


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    Haku was a major force in the late 80's through the mid 90's. He was noted as one of the most brutish and toughest men in the business today.

    When reporters asked the likes of Hogan, Diesel, Undertaker, Goldberg, Bret Hart and others who they felt was the toughest man in the wrestling world is, they all replied "Meng/Haku".

    Although humble at heart, if you crossed the big man, you had to be prepared to get your nose or eye literally ripped of your face. Jimmy Jack Funk is proof of this.

    He, along with Andre the Giant, won the tag team titles in the WWE, under the tag name The Colossal Connection, without a doubt one of the most powerful tag teams in the history of the WWE.

    Although he never won much championships during his tenure as a wrestler, he did, however, create some of the biggest moments and stories that will never be forgotten.

Savio Vega

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    Savio Vega was a great mid card wrestler who could be used for any match with anyone, and the crowd would not be disappointed. He was involved in several feuds with some high profile names including Austin, Rock and Hunter, all men who would later go onto become World Champion.

    He also wrestled under the alias Kwang, a masked wrestler who would spit mist onto his opponents face. He wrestled The Undertaker in a match during the early 90's.

    Savio Vega was also part of the Nation Of Domination; however, he was later kicked out of the stable due to him being from Puerto Rico. (Kwang VS. Undertaker) (Savio Vega's Storyline with Austin)


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    Crush, AKA Brian Adams, was a former professional wrester who wrested for various organisations throughout his career, including the WWE and WCW.

    Crush was mainly used as a big guy who would lose to the big stars in the business. In a scripted match, they had Yokozuna, the then WWE Champion, injure Crush by sitting on his face, thus taking him out of the game for several months.

    This helped Yokozuna's mean streak go further in the business and started to make people believe in his ability.

Bobby Lashley

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    Bobby Lashley was one of those wrestlers who would light up the mid card table with his raw power and impressive physique. He was really catching on the eye to many viewers out there. He was involved in some high profile matches with John Cena, Vince McMahon, Umaga etc, and he was also part of Team Smackdown in the first ever Inter-promotional 5-5 match at the Survivor Series.

    During the match, we saw Lashley steam roll his way through opponents, including The Big Show, before being stopped by The Big Red Machine. This, in some ways, helped put Kane over.

Scott Norton

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    Scott Norton is another one of those wrestlers who, even though big and incredibly powerful, is regarded by many as an excellent worker in the ring.

    Norton, along with Eddie Guerrero, Benoit and Malenko, was part of the Japanese Wrestling circuit in NJPW. Over there, they really made a name for themselves by helping to put some of Japan's stars over, including Toshiaka Kawada.

Orlando Jordan

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    Orlando had a great run in the WWE. He was a former United Staes Champion and was part of the wrestling stable "The Cabinet" led by WWE Champion JBL.

    Orlando was given a lot of promise at the start of his career. He was involved in a storyline with the Undertaker where The Undertaker would offer to train Orlando.

    He was also involved in a feud with Chris Benoit for his United States Championship. He lost the match and the title in less than a minute; he wrestled Benoit on multiple occasions after this with the match usually ending in seconds.


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    A crazy choice but nevertheless a big enough name in the company to cope with the likes of the Rock, HHH and others.

    Chyna was dubbed the Ninth Wonder of the World, a name given to her because of her incredible strength for a women. This strength helped her to win the IC Championship as well as defend it against the likes of Jericho and Eddie Guerrero.

    She is also known for taking a lot of bumps from fellow superstars such as Shamrock, The Rock and Kane.

Billy Gunn

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    Read Road Dogg's Slide.


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    Another powerful dude with a lot to gain but booked in a way that he always seems to lose. Albert, or A-Train, was involved in some high knock matches with guys like Kane, Cena, Big Show, The Undertaker and others.

    However, it was during the match against Brock Lesnar where Lesnar almost snapped A-Train's neck was when people started taking notice of how strong A-Train must be if his neck could have withstood that amount of raw impact.


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    The Mountie was used as a transitional champion between Bret Hart and Diesel.

Rick Martel

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    Rick Martel was a legend in AWA. He won numerous gold there, including the AWA Heavyweight Championship. However, during his time in the WWE, he was used mainly as a mid card attraction who would feud with the likes of up and coming stars such as Curt Henning, Bret Hart and Tito Santana.

Billy Kidman

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    When Billy Kidman first joined WCW, his image was weak and he just reminded me of your average jobber. That soon all changed when Raven arrived in WCW. By forming the Flock and recruiting Kidman into the grunge-like stable, it made Kidman more noticeable.

    At Fall Brawl 1998, Kidman turned on Raven, helping Perry Saturn get the win and making Kidman a babyface.

    Also by this time, Kidman had donned a new look, a wife beater and blue jean shorts. His hair was still greasy, but he managed to lose a bit of the skank factor.

    The next night on Nitro, he won the Cruiserweight Championship, which he kept for nearly seven months. Later on in his WCW career, in 2000, he was part of a stable called the New Blood, and he feuded with Hulk Hogan, which was hilarious.

    Billy Kidman now works as a trainer for Florida Championship Wrestling (Kidman involved in a storyline with Hogan)


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    Rikishi was been a veteran for WWE for over 15 years as part of the legendary Anoai family; his brother was the late great Umaga.

    Rikishi helped WWE out in one of their most successful years. In 2000, Rikishi played Super Villain as we found out that it was Kish who in fact ran over Austin.

    Ever since then, Rikishi has turned out to be a phenomenal wrestler and one who made the mid card entertaining (Rikishi did it for The Rock) (Rikishi pushed over The Hell in a Cell)

Ron Simmons

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    Ron "Faarooq" Simmons is the first African-American to ever hold the WCW Championship and the second in history to ever become a Heavyweight Champion.

    A Footballing icon, Ron easily made the switch into Professional wrestling, as he had all the necessary requirements to make it to the top.

    He is a former three-time WWE Tag Team champion and is responsible for creating one of the most powerful stables in the history of the sport, The Nation of Domination.

    His feud with Ahmed Johnson was a huge turning point in black wrestling, as it allowed them to capture the audience's attention and imagination.

    He regarded as one of the most toughest and strongest wrestlers in the game today, and he is definitely shoo-in as a future Hall of Famer. (Simmons wins the WCW Championship from VADER)

Alex Wright

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    Alex Wright was in a mid card draw in WCW during the mid to late 90's. He was used normally as a wrestler who would go after the second tier championship such as the U.S and Television Championship.

    Due to his Heel persona, he would often be brought into the main event fold; however, he would normally be on the losing end to guys such as Goldberg, Booker T and others. Wright has the honour of holding several pin fall victories over WWE Icon HHH. (Wright VS. Eddie Guerrero) (HHH Vs Wright)


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    X-Pac, or 1-2-3 Kid, was one of the pioneers of Monday Night Raw. He defeated Ramon in his first encounter and would later go on to achieve great things in WWE.

    His involvement in DX, NWO and the Clique shows that Pac had a lot of friends in high places; therefore, he got most of the spotlight and opportunity,

    Pac also teamed with Kane to become one of the most dominant tag teams in WWE, winning best tag team of the year in 1999.

    X-Pac knew how to work with bigger men in the ring, and his educated feet, along with his ex-tactic demeanor, allowed Pac to hold several championships and honors wherever he went (X-Pac Wins Gold)


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    Finlay is seen more as a rough, brutal veteran who demands respect in and outside the ring. He helped the legacies of several wrestlers, including Benoit, Jericho and others skyrocket to the top during the old WCW Days.

    He was seen as a figure that if you would step into the ring with him, then you are already a legend. Goldberg stated that everyone in the WCW locker room got scared out of their tights when a near "fight" between Meng and Finlay broke out because no one would want to come in between them.

Taka Michinoku

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    If you grew up during the Attitude days, then this man needs no introduction.

    Taka was an incredibly gifted athlete. He showcased his talents during RAW's primetime slots on a weekly basis. He was voted one of the greatest wrestlers in 1998 and 1999 by PWI readers.

    Taka was quick and extremely agile compared to a lot of the guys in the locker room at the time. His finishing move, the Michinoku Driver, has been used by a handful of wrestlers such as Rene Dupree and MVP.

    Taka was the first recognised Light Heavyweight Champion in WWE; he held onto the gold for nearly one year before dropping it to Christian

    (Taka VS. HHH) This match was reat for HHH because he had a great worker who could make him look good, despite his size. Taka gave Hunter a run for his money.


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    Adambomb could have been huge in the WWE if not for the rise of Diesel.

    However, he was teamed up with fellow Wrestler Wrath, and they became a successful tag team unit. In singles life, Adam was mainly used as a jobber. He was also involved in the body slam challenge against YOkozuna.

Jerry "The King" Lawler

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    Lawler has won over 140 championships during the course of his illustrious wrestling career.  He is a 52 time AWA Southern Champion, a great feat in any organization.

    Lawler would have been a great champion; he had everything a wrestler could dream of. He was very sneaky and capable of winning matches with aides of outside instruments. He was also a great Mic Performer and a wrestler with great enthusiasm and charisma for the sport.

    His feud with Bret Hart would have been a great moment to give Lawler the belt, even if it was for a single day.


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    MVP is the definition of misused and abused mid card wrestlers.

Masato Tanaka

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    Tanaka the ECW legend is one of those wrestlers who would always electrify the arena during his matches. He is proof that you don't need gold to prove your worth to a company.


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    A Super heavyweight who was used as a main event side show attraction. Earthquake is credited for Bret Hart being a great worker for a man of his size.

Steiner Brothers

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    Nowadays, when you hear the name "Steiner", you think "Big Poppa Pump", "The Genetic Freak", "The Big Bad Booty Daddy".' You think simply of Scott Steiner.

    However, before Scott Steiner was a successful singles competitor, he was even more successful as a tag-team with his real life older brother, Rick Steiner.

    The Steiner Brothers are known mostly for their time spent in WCW during the 90's, where they engaged in a legendary feud with Doom; Ron Simmons and Butch Reed, as well as many other tag-teams on the scene at the time. The Steiner Brothers have also wrestled in the WWF/E, as well as having MUCH success across the pond in Japan, which in my opinion, is really where they shined the most

Stevie Richards

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    The boxing bag of the WWE and the mid card. He never really showed his true wrestling abilities in the WWE, and his biggest storyline was that of Right To Censor. But apart from that, he was regularly used as the guy people on their debut would destroy; i.e. Chris Masters, Lesnar and others. (Richards And Taker)

Matt Hardy

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    Great tag team wrestler and adequate singles wrestler, Hardy thought he had it all until the WWE decided to release him not on one but on a few occasions.

    However, that never stopped Matt Hardy from becoming a singles sensation. He created many memorable spots in wrestling, including his Non Kayfabe run in with Edge and Lita, as well as his matches with Lesnar, Undertaker and others as Matt Hardy Version One.

    Many feel his biggest asset was his younger brother Jeff; however, the creative mind of Matt helped make Jeff Hardy into the star he is today.


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    The Japanese Buzzsaw was known for his quick kicks and ability to destroy opponents with one move.

    He brought something different to the match, as his speed, agility and innovative moves were pure brilliance.

    He has also adopted many of the Great Muta's signature moves, such as the Asian Mist and The Springboard Elbow. I feel that Tajiri was always the main in light heavyweight division until someone more popular came along such as Rey, Ultimo Dragon etc. (Tajiri looses out to Rey)

Tommy Dreamer

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    Tommy Dreamer is the blood body of the sport.

    The former ECW Champion has gained the respect from a lot of his fellow colleagues. They feel that the amount of work and effort Dreamer puts in his matches he deserves more then being a mid card draw, yet he hardly complains.


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    Could have been a real star in the making; however, with the rise of so many other talents and with the purchase of WCW, Test slowly saw his way back to the mid card table instead of the top where many of us thought he would be. (Test VS Kane) (Test VS Edge)


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    What does everybody want?

    What does everybody need?

    Another mid card wrestler to set the crowd a light.

John Morrison

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    Morrison has been with the WWE for as long as Cena and Orton have been.

    He is definitely one of the most athletic and charismatic superstars in the WWE at the moment. However, he lacks a certain something that many feel has held him back to being a mid card sensation instead of a main event draw like his former tag team partner and current WWE Champion The Miz.

    JoMo has won nearly every championship that there is to win. His matches are usually classed as five stars, and his work ethic is second to none. Lets hope JOMO gets his spot in the company soon.

Big Bossman

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    Bossman's tenure with the WWE has always been one of pure excitement. He has been part of some major feuds in WWE History such as A Victim of The Streak, his controversial storyline involving The Big Show and his "deceased" father, as well as his many angles involving Stone Cold Steve Austin.

    However, despite all those big angles, Bossman was always going to be a mid card draw due to the lack of wrestling ability and charisma from the late great superstar.

One Man Gang

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    Akeem, or One Man Gang, was used mainly as a big tough dude who put over top flight talents such as Hogan, Ultimate Warrior and others.

Mark Henry

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    I know some of you maybe surprised as to why Henry made it onto this list.

    Well hopefully, this will make you understand.

    Mark Henry has been with the company since 1997. In this time, he has played Jobber and Mid Card performer for the most part of his career. Although he has never really been given the right opportunity to make it to the top, he definitely showed the world how really he can be when he won the ECW Championship.

    However, being the size that he is often has its disadvantages. Mark is noted for putting both Benoit and Batista on the injury list in real life, as his power was too much for them to handle. Therefore, it limits his true potential as a wrestler in the company. He showed some glimpses of his true self when he teamed up with MVP to take on Jerishow; however, it never really captured the audience's attention.

    His most memorable time has to be with The Nation and D-Lo, a time which showed his true character and the endless possibility he could have as a Main Eventer should the opportunity come knocking.

    He has also won the European Championship


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    Umaga, one of the mid card draws, from the last few years in the WWE.


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    IRS, or Ted Dibiase's, lacky has been jobbing to the WWE's greats for as long as I can remember. his main event status has has never changed despite winning tag team gold and helping buy The Undertaker during The Undertaker VS. Undertaker match.

Tully Blanchard

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    Helped HHH become the star he is today. He was also used a main event superstar during his time with the WWE.

Ricky Steamboat

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    Ricky The Dragon is one word: amazing.

    For a man his age, he still has all the qualities of a young wrestler.

    During his peak, he enjoyed success with tag partner Jay Youngblood. They were two of the first Hawaiian wrestlers to make a real impact in wrestling.


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    There is no denying how great Sabu is. He is known for his dare devil like antics, which have cost him more than he has won.

    Sabu has the ability to use weapons as his arsenal. He uses his environment as the key to success in winning a match, and along with his amazing in ring ability, he makes for one deadly wrestler.

Koko B. Ware

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    KOKO was a really great high flying, charismatic and energetic wrestler to have wrestled in the WWE. He was inducted into the WWE HOF in 2009 by good friend the Honky Tonk Man. He was most recognized as the wrestler who would carry his pet Macaw to the ring so that it could watch him wrestle as well as give the audience a right old laugh.


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    Raven is a household name in wrestling these days. His time with the WCW and ECW helped make him one of the most hardcore wrestlers the world has ever seen.

    Raven has a real knack for the business. His incredible knowledge and understanding of the sport has helped him and others to move forward in the business. During his time in WWE, he was used more as a mid card wrestler who would dominate the hardcore division. He currently holds the record as the greatest hardcore champion, winning the title over 20 times.

    Raven was also the booker of TNA.


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    No doubt a mid card draw, he became the US and IC Champion on his first nights with respective brands. (Carlito Cena)

Brutus Beefcake

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    One of the greatest mid card rivalries of the 80's was Beefcake VS. Honky Tonk Man.

Bob Holly

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    Bob Holly's name just screams Mid Card. If you watch his RF Shoot, he discusses how he never thought of himself as anything else but a mid card wrestler with a bad attitude.

    He talks about how he helped Kurt Angle become a top flight superstar in their opening match and how he helped many young stars along the way.


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    Godfather, Goodfather, Papa Shango, or Karma. Whatever you like to call him, this man was one powerful dude. His power would mostly be used as an enforcer to others' opponents as seen with The Undertaker and Foley.

    He never really grasped the main event status due to the up and coming talent that peaked him such as The Rock and Hunter. However, his time in the mid card league was quite successful, as he won the IC and Hardcore championship.

Jake the Snake

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    Jake "the Snake" Roberts, considered by many in the IWC to be the greatest wrestler to have never won the WWE Championship. While this may be so, Jake to me is one of those guys who does not need to hold a title to prove just how good he is.

    His singles matches alone were good enough to sell out arenas worldwide. He was seen more a circus act at time with the edition of his snake, Damien, in his corner. Jake would win the majority of his matches, beating the likes of Kamala, Brutus Beefcake, and Randy Savage.

    Snake has thought of retiring later this month and is hopeful that he will be part of the WWE HALL OF FAME Induction ceremony before Wrestlemania. (Jake The Snake Puts over The undertaker) (Jake The SNake VS. Macho Man)

Mohammed Hassan

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    Genuine Heel and genuine superstar. Hassan was able to go into a match against some of the very best and still walk out as the victor. However, the WWE knew who Hassan would eventually lose to: Undertaker, Batista and Cena.

    In some ways it elevated their careers more, as they became the men to stop Hassan's undefeated ramapage. (Hassan VS Batista)

Arn Anderson

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    Double A has always played second best to Flair; therefore, he was much more suited to the mid card life.

Mike Awesome

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    Read Tanaka Slide.


64 of 99

    Sandman: ECW Legend, WWE Mid Card jobber.

Shane McMahon

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    For me, he is the greatest non full time wrestler in the WWE who has created some of the greatest spots in wrestling history.

    His matches with Vince McMahon, Kane, Kurt Angle, Big Show, Steve Blackman, HHH, Undertaker and others have always been watched with the up most excitement and adrenaline, because when Shane O Mac laced his boots, you were in for a real treat. (Shane VS Angle) (Shane VS Kane) (Shane VS Show) (Shane VS Rock) (Shane VS Undertaker)

Luther Reigns

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    A Big Ruthless Aggression Mid Card Wrestler who feuded with big names in the company like The Big show and Eddie Guerrero.


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    Tatanka is mostly remembered for his match with HBK at Wrestlemania 9, which he won. Afterwards, he became a jobber and a mid card performer.


68 of 99

    Christian is adored by many in the WWE Universe. He is hailed as one the greatest charismatic wrestlers in the game today. His in ring ability, as well as his chemistry with other wrestlers, allows him to captivate the audience's attention as well as bring in a whole new era in wrestling.

    Before jumping to tag team glory, Christian became the second man to hold the Light Heavyweight Championship. This was considered an extraordinary feat, seeing as how he was only with the company for a short period of time and already he won his first singles title.

    Christian has a long way to go in his already 15-year career, as he is on the verge of returning from an injury, so who knows how far Captain Charisma can go in the company and the world. (Christian Gets Speared by Goldberg)

Mr. Perfect

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    Well besides his incredible strength, wrestling ability and charisma, Hennig was able to electrify any arena or any match that he was involved in.

    Fans knew if Perfect was in a wrestling ring, then the ticket was worth the money, i.e, Royal Rumble 2002.

    Hennig was remarkable in the ring; his matches with Bret Hart in particular were pure class.

    Even though Bret is regarded as a better wrestler between the two, you would not be able to tell the difference when these two were going at it in the ring.

    Perfect, like the men before him, were never really given the big one.

    HBK and Hart were two rare superstars who were middleweight stars who became WWE champions (Bret Hart Praises Mr. Perfect Abilities in the ring)


70 of 99

    One of the greatest post Attitude Era Mid Card wrestlers in the business. Rhyno was a great wrestler who could lock horns with anyone in the roster and still be considered the favourite to win the match.

    He faced big names such as Jericho, Kane and The Rock before being released from the WWE. (Kane VS Rhyno) (Rhyno Gore to Jericho)

Ken Shamrock

71 of 99

    Ken was a very popular wrestler during the Attitude Era. Known for his MMA background, Shamrock had the ability to make any wrestler fear him, from the likes of HBK to British Bulldog.

    Shamrock had many feuds with top flight wrestlers such as Owen Hart, Rock, Austin, HBK and Bret. All of his matches with these wrestlers showcased just how talented one could be when given the opportunity, although he did have some success in the WWE, such as winning the KOTR

Jim Anvil Neidhart

72 of 99

    Neidhart was the brawn of the Hart Foundation; he and Bret Hart became the WWE Tag Team Champions in the late 80's.

    However, once Bret gained singles stardom, he eventually became a mid card wrestler and a jobber. However, when the Hart Foundation re-formed in the WWE in the mid 90's, Jim was used as the muscle yet again.

    He then created the alias "Who", a masked wrestler who would face guys like Jake The Snake and other big names before being easily beaten. (Neidhart VS Macho Man)

Honky Tonk Man

73 of 99

    Jericho maybe regarded as the greatest ICChampion, but even Jericho has never accomplished what Honky Tonk has. He held onto the title for a impressive 454 days before dropping the belt to the Warrior.


74 of 99

    What can be said about D-Lo Brown? He was arguably one of the most charismatic and athletic wrestlers in the roster at the time. This allowed Brown to excel to the top of the mountain, as he won several titles and accomplishments during his time in the WWE.

    D-Lo was seen as the High-Flyer of the WWE Stable the Nation Of Domination. His aerial abilities and maneuvers such as the Frog Splash and Leg Drop were something of pure brilliance and perfection. Although he was never really considered as a Main Eventer, he made it his duty to dominate the Mid Card throught out his tenure.

    He became the first black wrestler to hold the IC and the European Championship at the same. He is regarded by many as one of the greatest European Champions in the history of the WWE. Brown recently made his return to the WWE two years ago when he squared off against Santino in a singles action, although it was great seen the big man back his persona changed and he was not the young energetic Brown that we all loved one time or another.

Jeff Jarrett

75 of 99

    Double J peaked in the NWA by becoming one of the last Champions to hold the title. He eventually came to the WWE carrying the gold and interfering in matches involving mainly the mid card roster. Double J VS. X-Pac

Razor Ramon

76 of 99

    Razor may not be the most pleasant individual to be around outside the ring. His personal life has hugely impacted his wrestling career, and he is currently working his way back to the wrestling world.

    Personal life aside, I feel Razor is underrated. He put on some of his best matches in WWE in the early 90's with the likes of Owen Hart, HBK, and others. He has held the IC Championship on several occasions, at one time being the record holder for the title.

    Razor can be deemed great, because for a non-white American wrestler, he has done rather well in his tenure with the company.

    Once a beloved fan favorite, Razor used his gimmick to win over fans. His move to WCW showed more glimpses of how great Hall really is.

    He has never won the big one in any organisation; however, his work attitude towards the company is in a league of its own (Ladder Match) (NWO debut

Chavo Guerrero

77 of 99

    The Name Guerrero is evident enough as to why Chavo Guerrero makes this list. He was dubbed the greatest at what he does by many wrestlers, including Tajiri and Konnan.

    Chavo always lived under the shadow of his late uncle Eddie Guerrero; however, his ability to wrestle and hold a match is what made him stand out. Arguably one of the greatest champions in the business.

    For a Light Heavyweight, Chavo was able to bring a lot of power and technical moves in his matches such as the Gory Bomb, Frogsplash, and Three Amigos (Chavo Jobbing to PG ERA ICON Hornswoggle)

Ahmed Johnson

78 of 99

    Ahmed was very popular during the mid 90's. He was regarded as a great up and comer in the business and was the first ever African American to hold the IC Championship. According to sources, he was in line for a WWE championship run; however, he suffered a major injury which resulted in the collapse of what looked like a promising career.


79 of 99

    The Shattered Dream Superstar or The Bizarre one, has been part of the wrestling business his whole life, as the son of legendary superstar Dusty Rhodes, it is only natural for Goldust to be the excentric superstar that we no and somewhat love today.

    Goldust was used as a gap filler during the 90's, we would normally see him wrestle the likes of Marco Mero or other challengers for the IC Championship, a title which he has won on numerous occasions. However on the odd show Goldust would be brought into tackle some of the WWE's biggest stars including Vader, HHH, Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson and Owen Hart.

Texas Tornado

80 of 99

    Texas Tornado was part of the legendary Von Erich Family.

    Kevin was used mainly as a mid card wrestler in the WWE as he feuded with rising stars such as The Undertaker and Bret Hart.

Paul Orndorff

81 of 99

    Paul Orndorff is mostly remembered in the WWE has the first man to ever headline a Wrestlemania against hulk Hogan.

    However soon after his big push, Orndorff was left to battle his way through the mid card elite. At the time it was pretty hard to make a name for yourself in the business especially with guys like Andre, Piper and Hogan stealing the show week in week out.

Steve Blackman

82 of 99

    Hardcore and WWE legend, Steve Blackman was used as a scapegoat in the whole "who ran Stone Cold Steve Austin Angle"

    While this was his greatest claim to fame as it allowed Blackman to feud with the likes of Shane McMahon and The Rock. Steve Blackman has also feuded with the MMA/Technical guys during the peak of the attitude era. Guys such as Owen Hart, Shamrock and Dan The Beast Savern were all superstars willing to set the mid card alight. (Shamrock VS Blackman) (Austin, McMahon and Blackman Segment) (Blackman VS. McMahon)

Shelton Benjamin

83 of 99

    Shelton Benjamin was truly one gifted athlete, he was able to use his unique in ring high flying ability to captivate the audience and create many OMG moments along the way.

    He has been relatively successful during his time in the WWE winning The US, IC and Tag team gold on numerous commissions. Shelton Benjamin was a guy who could go out with any superstar be him old or young and create a story in the ring. Many believe that if not for his poor mic skills and low charisma Shelton Benjamin would of been one of the greats.

Christopher Daniels

84 of 99

    Like AJ Styles, Daniels is one of those wrestlers who given his size he still manages to main event shows on a weekly basis against people twice his size.

    Daniels has been in the game for a long time now, and he recently suggested that he would love to wrestle for WWE. Let's hope the rumors are true so that we can all see a glimpse to the great man against some of WWE's top guys

Juventud Guerrera

85 of 99

    Juventud Guerrera is one of the most recognisable names when it comes to Cruiserweight Wrestling, the man from Mexico is already one of the biggest stars in the AAA wrestling organization.

    He was most noted for his incredible feuds with Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, and Eddie Guerrero in WCW. He is a multiple-time champion and one of the greatest wrestlers on the planet. (Jericho VS. Juventud)

British Bulldog

86 of 99

    You don't get any bigger then Davey Boy Smith or The British Bulldog.

    One of the most talented and powerful men to ever grace the sport of professional wrestling. He was adored by many and hated by most, due to his ties with the Hart Foundation.

    He is a former IC, Tag and Hardcore Champion. He had one of the most emotional yet five-star matches in the history of WWE, when he took on Bret Hart for the IC Championship in Wembley, England, in which he defeated Bret to win his first ever singles title.

    Although he was never really given the opportunity to reach his full potential, Davey will always be remembered

King Kong Bundy

87 of 99

    King Kong was a huge star back in the late 80's early 90's. He headlined wrestlemania 2 with Hogan for the WWE Championship, a match in which he obviously came out short.  He also wrestled the Undertaker at Mania in a match which Taker really started to make a name for him as he toppled the giant over.

    He can be regarded as the Big Show or Kane of the 80's, all men with incredible power and force

Rick Rude

88 of 99

    Rude is another great underrated wrestler; he had some great achievements during his time as a wrestler.

    He is regarded by many wrestlers including Dynamite Kid and Randy Savage as the toughest wrestler they have ever come across with, his slap of God was feared in every single locker room he appeared in.

    Bret Hart credits Rude as a hero, a man who stood by him during the whole Montreal Screw Job, Even though Rude was working with DX at the time.

    His legacy will be one of hard knocks however his charisma as well as his trade mark posed physique will always be remembered as true brilliance.

    He won the IC championship, which was his biggest achievement in WWE (Kevin Nash Credits Rick Rude's Influence) (Bret Hart Credits Rick Rude's Influence)

Brian Pillman

89 of 99

    Brian Pillman was known for his silly antics and crude behavior.

    Pillman can be regarded great because he was an excellent showman as well as a talented cruiserweight wrestler.

    These days it is difficult for cruiserweights to be taken seriously; they have to have something more to offer if they are to progress in the company, Like Rey, Jericho, and Eddie, Pillman was one of those men.

    He was part of the Hart Foundation, so his rivalry with former partner Steve Austin at the time was a huge stepping stone in both men's career.

    Sadly, Pillman died shortly after this and his rise to stardom never really took of as one would of hoped

Masked Kane

90 of 99

    The former World Heavyweight Champion and former WWE Champion is a true man of the sport.

    Kane is a true face of wrestling. Where would we be today without the BIg Red Machine?

    The Undertaker would seem somewhat incomplete, the roster would not have any genuine characters, and we would not have one of the greatest big men of the sport.

    Kane has the uncanny habit of doing some amazing moves for a person of his size. He can perform Huracanranas, dropkicks, top rope moves, etc.

    Kane can adapt with any wrestler in the ring from Kurt Angle to Miz. He is one of the strongest wrestlers there is in the business and one of the most professional.

    He waited over 10 years to capture his second title; in this time, he allowed for younger talent to move forward (Kane cashes in his Money In The Bank Contract) (Kane Jobbing to Cena)

Owen Hart

91 of 99

    Owen Hart was everything that you wanted in a wrestler. He was agile, quick, and talented and one of the most energetic guys you could ever find in the ring.

    I feel that if Bret was not so popular, then perhaps Owen would have been given more opportunities to succeed at the top of the business instead of jobbing as the Blue Blazer. Even Bret said that Owen could do more in the ring then any of his brothers, including him (Owen VS. HBK) (Owen VS. Austin)

Dean Malenko

92 of 99

    Dean Malenko or the man of 1000 holds is one of the most gifted performers, not only in his weight class but in the world.

    He was voted the single greatest wrestler in 1997 by PWI, which is an incredible feat especially seen as how much competition there was at the time.

    Dean has also trained a handful of wrestlers, including the current World Heavyweight Champion, Kane (Malenko VS. Jericho)


93 of 99

    RVD, is the most loved man in wrestling.

    I have never heard any one boo RVD for as long as I can remember; if that does not make him great, I don't know what does.

    RVD, known for his frog splash as well as his educated feet, managed to put on some of the greatest matches known to man. His feud with Jeff Hardy has to be up there, as well as his match with ECW originals.

    RVD knew how to be a performer; however, I feel that his cocky attitude ended up being his ultimate downfall

    RVD although maybe regarded as a main event sensation where ever he goes, However I feel that even though he was won the Gold, Beaten heavyweight stars, he lacks that extra something that main event guys have. Whether its charisma, Mic Skills, or maybe his in ring style is just to unique to go far in the business as a lot of guys can't cope with his style of wrestling (Just a Thought) (RVD VS. CENA)

Jeff Hardy

94 of 99

    Jeff Hardy was part of the amazing high-flying tag team Team Extreme, or Hardy Boyz, with brother Matt.

    They are regarded by many as the greatest tag team ever in WWE, they along with Edge and Christian and the Dudleyz had some of the finest moments in WWE tag team history, such as TLC, cage matches, ladder matches, etc.

    However, Jeff had something that most of his counterparts lacked, and that is star quality. He had the ability to become the greatest singles wrestler of his generation, not the best mic worker in the game.

    However, he did manage to build a huge fanbase with his amazingly athletic Dare Devil-like antics as well as his boyish looks; he was the total package, in some senses.

    The moment that separated Jeff from the boys was his singles match against the likes of HHH for the IC title, RVD for the hardcore championship, and of course Undertaker for the WWE title.

    He showed everyone that he could stand on his own two feet and that he could claw up the power ranks in the company. He is a former WWE champion, IC champion, Hardcore champion, European champion, and Light Heavyweight champion (Jeff wins The IC Championship 2001) (Dare Devil Antics)

Lance Storm

95 of 99

    Lance Storm is most probably one of the greatest technical wrestlers the game has to offer.

    Although he never really won a major championship, his success as a wrestler alone was credited by many.

Eddie Guerrero

96 of 99

    Eddie Guerrero, before his whole "lie, cheat, and steal" persona developed in WWE, which saw him capture his first WWE title.

    He was never really taken seriously, even though he put on some great matches with the likes of Benoit, Angle, Edge, and others.

    Eddie is regarded by most as the greatest Mexican wrestler to have ever lived, after his passing, his death slowly killed the WWE, as all the fun and laughter he brought to screens slowly drifted away.

    Eddie headlined Wrestlemania against Kurt Angle, after that he would have a feud with Rey Mysterio and Batista.

    Other than his remarkable feuds and matches, Eddie was a great teacher outside the ring. He helped guys such as Edge, Rey, Chavo, and others develop their character and in-ring ability.

Chris Benoit

97 of 99

    Benoit will always be remembered for what he did that tragic night several years ago, which I won't go into detail. However, personal life aside, we can't help but give the man his props.

    He dedicated his life to the sport. He started at New Japan Pro Wrestling and eventually worked his way to WWE. Benoit was one of the great pure wrestlers the company had to offer.

    His matches alone were treated with tremendous respect by those around him. I truly enjoyed his feud with Kurt Angle in particular. At a time where Entertainers such as Rock, HHH and Austin were calling the shots, these two men showed the other side or the forgotten side of wrestling and all its glory

    I Understand many of you may see Benoit as a Main Event Star regardless of him hardly ever winning the gold or wrestling the main event at a PPV. However I think many people would agree that Benoit was their because he was a great worker that could put people over. (Headbut of the steal cage) (Benoit VS. Lesnar) (Benoit's Segment with the big stars of the WWE)

Dynamite Kid

98 of 99

    Dynamite was regarded by many, including Bret Hart as the greatest singles wrestler ever to grace the squared circle.

    That, coming from the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be, surely must mean a great deal.

    The late Chris Benoit and Owen Hart molded their wrestling abilities from The Kid, as they cited him as a true inspiration to their wrestling lives.

    With such a reputation, I only hope that Davey along with The Kid get inducted in the Hall of Fame in the future as true icons and pioneers of the sport. (Kid VS Tiger Mask)

Terry Funk

99 of 99

    The ultimate Jobber and Legend in Wrestling History. Terry Funk is a big name in the sport due to his impact in ECW, Japan and other promotions. However it was his unique and willing ability to put up and coming stars over that transcended his popularity and respect across the globe.


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